Green Tea Natural Flower Flavor - JASMIN JADE PEARLS(403)

Discover an exclusive jasmine tea and a handcrafted rarity with the JADE PEARLS. The famous Jade Pearls come from the spring harvest with a delicate yellow infusion.

During the drying process, fresh jasmine flowers are continually added to the tea leaves and are only removed once they have released their full aroma. The large tea leaves are then lovingly hand-formed into large pearls.

The JADE PEARLS are a sought-after luxury product and the tea is often served to special guests.

Since the fine tea does not become bitter, you can add it to the tea water without a filter and watch how the large tea leaves open a little more with each infusion.

Simply pour and enjoy!

Geschmacks Noten

mild, floral

Temperature Amount Time
70°C 1 Teelöffel/250ml 1-2 minutes
  2. Aufguss 1 minute
  3. Aufguss 1 minute